Campgrounds in Ohio are regulated under the authority of Chapter 3729. of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-26 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
These rules were created to establish minimum standards, applicable throughout Ohio, for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of these facilities in order to protect the public from injury, minimize the potential for disease transmission, and provide a safe and healthy recreational environment.
Campground collectively means:
Recreation camp
Recreational vehicle (RV) park
Combined park-camp
Temporary campground
Services provided by the ODH Campground program:
Technical assistance and training on the construction, operation, maintenance, and evaluation of campgrounds
Review and approval of engineered plans that have been designed to meet all of the requirements found within 3701-26 of the OAC
Inspections performed to ensure that the campground is constructed per the rules and approved plans
Guidance to local health district staff for the implementation of the campground regulatory program
Periodic surveys of local health district licensing programs to assess their compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
Resource for the general public relative to recreation issues, protection from disease transmission, personal safety, and complaint investigations
To report a public health emergency, please contact:
Kevin Aston, Health Commissioner
During Business Hours:
740-286-5094 ext 2824
24/7 Contact & After Hours:
740-835-6698 | Primary
740-352-3245 | Secondary
For information about Campground Licensing, contact:
David Ramby, REHS
E.H. Director
740-286-5094 ext. 2836
Download Pre-Licensing Forms
Site Evaluation Form - HEA 5228 - completed by JCHD then forward to ODH
Campground License - HEA 5310 - typically completed by LHD then forward to operator
Temporary Camp License - HEA 5334 - typically completed by LHD then forward to operator