Plans and Data
The Jackson County Health Department is responsible for collecting data, conducting health assessments, and creating agency plans. These comprehensive agency plans goals and objectives, including county data and health information for the community we serve.
Comprehensive planning:
assesses the current and emerging personal and environmental health needs, resources, and development opportunities
formulates goals, objectives, policies, and guidelines for a wide range of health needs
prepares plans and programs that identify and evaluate alternative courses of action and relationships among activities, specify appropriate scheduling of activities, study relevant factors affecting the achievement of desired health outcomes, and provide framework and guidance for programs.
The Jackson County Health Department, along with several other local health departments in our region, partner with Holzer Health System to provide guidance during a comprehensive, regional Community Health Assessment (CHA).
The Jackson County Health Department operates the Healthier Jackson County Coalition to oversee the development of the Jackson County Community Health Assessment (CHIP), a long-term plan that addressed community needs identified by the CHA.

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
For more information on Accreditation activities and other agency publications, please contact:
Katelyn Welch, Director of Administrative Services/Accreditation Coordinator
740-286-5094 ext 2823