Mosquito Control Program

The Jackson County Health Department's Environmental Health Division is responsible for the surveillance and control of mosquitoes in Jackson County. This program is implemented to reduce potential outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases, such as Zika Virus and West Nile Virus (WNV).
Surveillance of mosquitoes includes trapping mosquitoes in various areas of the county and submitting the samples for WNV testing. This allows public health and healthcare providers to be aware of exposure risk in our area.
Mosquito control includes using an insecticide fogger before large events and in areas with a positive WNV sample. The health department uses larvicide and adulticide "dunks" in pools, ponds, lakes and other breeding sources that cannot be emptied. You may be able to pick up free "dunks" at the health department for breeding source reduction - please call beforehand to confirm supply.
For information about Mosquito Control, please contact:
Terry Barr, REHS
740-286-5094 ext. 2835
David Ramby, REHS
Director of E.H.
740-286-5094 ext. 2836